Thursday 8 May 2014

Episode 1 Summary - NIJAAT (Urdu & English)

NArin tells of her past, she was forcefully married to Mustafa and taken out ofschool, her mother tries to protect her but fell and became paralysed, narin does not like what happed to her mother and does not accept mustafa as husband due t which she bears alot of torture from mustafa.

Narin tells about her past, she is forcefully married to Mustafa and her mother is paralysed tryin to save her.
Mustafa Bulut's parents want to get him forcefully married to Asiye, the prettiest girl in Guzelyurt, so he can stop obssessing about his first wife/cousin Narin.Mustafa is dependant on his dad financially, a MAYOR of the local area. Musto cant get a job due to his unpredictable epilepsy attacks, hence has to do what his father says.Narin is his first wife but she does not accept him.
This rejection has made mustafa a crazy man and he does terrible things and has epilepsy attacks due to this  he ties her to himself with chains so she does not run away in the night  Mustafa's father does illegal petroleum trading and makes balck money, he gets angry on his brother when a trade gets late and money is not transferred on time.Everyone is preparing for the wedding which mustafa does not want to do.


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