Monday 21 April 2014

The Series "A.S.K." is Heading for a Finale

The show is being cut short because of fail of ratings, as you can see on the "TV Ratings" page. I didn't really watch it properly, because I find Hazal still young to be acting as an adult, heck, it was only 8 years ago when she was acting in Aski Memnu as a 15/16 year old.

Anyway, my friends who watch the show say it wasn't that bad, they're very surprised with the ratings, because the actings is exceptional, and the plot line is good. The show's rating is an average 3.00%. But when they announced ASK was moved to Mondays, I was very surprised, because a) Karadayi is on that night, Mondays are known with high ratings for shows and other entertainment b)They changed the time to 22:00-24:00 Turkish time, Karadayi finishes as soon as ASK starts, who stays up from 10-12 pm to watch another drama?

I really pity Hazal to be with a production that is pretty much using her. Everyone is saying the show is cancelled because Cagatay fans loved when he was with Hazal, also known as "Femir". Really, people need to get over this, Cagatay and Hazal need to move on, he's in Medcezir with Serenay, but i don't see anyone fighting about his show and Serenay, so I don't get why they are lashing out on Hazal. Although I find Cagatay a better actor than Hazal.

Lots of Hazal fans are going crazy over this, here were some reactions from the people:


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